How to prevent split ends? First thing is first, you want to analyze the hair. Making sure that your ends are not dry and brittle. Skip to content

Preventing Split Ends

Video Transcription:
How to prevent split ends? First thing is first, you want to analyze the hair. Making sure that your ends are not dry and brittle. If you find that they are, the best solution for dry split ends is to trim them. So you simply take a part of the hair. Now if we don’t remove the split ends, what will happen is they will begin to travel up the hair shaft. Thus causing more damage and after all it will break your hair. Don’t be afraid to trim your split ends. Trimming your split ends will help you have a healthy, bouncy and beautiful hair. So first thing you wanna do is always shampoo with a great moisturizing shampoo conditioner. Also check your ends on a regular basis. If you see them getting dry and frizzy, then it might be something you’re doing at home. Everyday brushing and combing can cause problems to your ends. Remember the best possible way to take care of your split ends is by visiting your local professional. For tips on finding a great stylist Click Here.

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